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Domain-Level Scales


Persons with very high scores on the Honesty-Humility scale avoid manipulating others for personal gain, feel little temptation to break rules, are uninterested in lavish wealth and luxuries, and feel no special entitlement to elevated social status. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale will flatter others to get what they want, are inclined to break rules for personal profit, are motivated by material gain, and feel a strong sense of self-importance.


Persons with very high scores on the Emotionality scale experience fear of physical dangers, experience anxiety in response to life’s stresses, feel a need for emotional support from others, and feel empathy and sentimental attachments with others. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale are not deterred by the prospect of physical harm, feel little worry even in stressful situations, have little need to share their concerns with others, and feel emotionally detached from others.


Persons with very high scores on the Extraversion scale feel positively about themselves, feel confident when leading or addressing groups of people, enjoy social gatherings and interactions, and experience positive feelings of enthusiasm and energy. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale consider themselves unpopular, feel awkward when they are the center of social attention, are indifferent to social activities, and feel less lively and optimistic than others do.

Agreeableness (versus Anger)

Persons with very high scores on the Agreeableness scale forgive the wrongs that they suffered, are lenient in judging others, are willing to compromise and cooperate with others, and can easily control their temper. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale hold grudges against those who have harmed them, are rather critical of others’ shortcomings, are stubborn in defending their point of view, and feel anger readily in response to mistreatment.


Persons with very high scores on the Conscientiousness scale organize their time and their physical surroundings, work in a disciplined way toward their goals, strive for accuracy and perfection in their tasks, and deliberate carefully when making decisions. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale tend to be unconcerned with orderly surroundings or schedules, avoid difficult tasks or challenging goals, are satisfied with work that contains some errors, and make decisions on impulse or with little reflection.

Openness to Experience

Persons with very high scores on the Openness to Experience scale become absorbed in the beauty of art and nature, are inquisitive about various domains of knowledge, use their imagination freely in everyday life, and take an interest in unusual ideas or people. Conversely, persons with very low scores on this scale are rather unimpressed by most works of art, feel little intellectual curiosity, avoid creative pursuits, and feel little attraction toward ideas that may seem radical or unconventional.

Facet-Level Scales

Honesty-Humility Domain

Sincerity: Assesses a tendency to be genuine in interpersonal relations. Low scorers will flatter others or pretend to like them to obtain favors, whereas high scorers are unwilling to manipulate others.

Fairness: Assesses a tendency to avoid fraud and corruption. Low scorers are willing to gain by cheating or stealing, whereas high scorers are unwilling to take advantage of others.

Greed Avoidance: Assesses a tendency to be uninterested in lavish wealth or luxury goods. Low scorers want to enjoy and display wealth and privilege, whereas high scorers are not motivated by monetary or social-status considerations.

Modesty: Assesses a tendency to be modest and unassuming. Low scorers see themselves as superior, whereas high scorers view themselves as ordinary people without claims to special treatment.

Emotionality Domain

Fearfulness: Assesses a tendency to experience fear. Low scorers feel little fear of injury and are relatively tough, brave, and insensitive to physical pain, whereas high scorers avoid physical harm.

Anxiety: Assesses a tendency to worry in various contexts. Low scorers feel little stress in response to difficulties, whereas high scorers tend to become preoccupied by even minor problems.

Dependence: Assesses the need for emotional support from others. Low scorers feel self-assured, whereas high scorers want to share their difficulties with those who provide comfort.

Sentimentality: Assesses a tendency to feel strong emotional bonds with others. Low scorers feel little emotion when parting or in reaction to others’ concerns, whereas high scorers feel strong empathy.

Agreeableness Domain

Forgivingness: Assesses one’s willingness to feel trust and liking toward those who may have caused one harm. Low scorers “hold a grudge” against offenders, while high scorers are more willing to forgive and re-establish friendly relations.

Gentleness: Assesses a tendency to be mild and lenient in dealings with others. Low scorers are critical in evaluations, while high scorers avoid harsh judgments.

Flexibility: Assesses willingness to compromise and cooperate. Low scorers are stubborn and argumentative, while high scorers avoid conflicts and accept others’ ideas.

Patience: Assesses the ability to remain calm rather than to become angry. Low scorers tend to lose temper quickly, while high scorers have a high threshold for anger.

Conscientiousness Domain

Organization: Assesses a tendency to seek order, especially in physical surroundings. Low scorers are haphazard and messy, while high scorers prefer a structured and organized approach.

Diligence: Assesses the tendency to work hard. Low scorers lack self-discipline, while high scorers have a strong “work ethic” and are willing to put in effort.

Perfectionism: Assesses attention to detail and accuracy. Low scorers tolerate errors and neglect details, while high scorers check for mistakes and aim for improvement.

Prudence: Assesses the tendency to deliberate carefully and inhibit impulses. Low scorers act impulsively, while high scorers consider consequences and exercise caution.

Openness to Experience Domain

Aesthetic Appreciation: Assesses enjoyment of beauty in art and nature. Low scorers are not drawn to artistic or natural beauty, while high scorers appreciate art forms and nature.

Inquisitiveness: Assesses curiosity about the natural and social world. Low scorers lack intellectual curiosity, while high scorers read widely and enjoy learning about various domains.

Creativity: Assesses preference for innovation and experimentation. Low scorers have little interest in original thought, while high scorers seek new solutions and express creativity.

Unconventionality: Assesses acceptance of unusual ideas. Low scorers avoid eccentricity, while high scorers are open to unconventional ideas.

Interstitial Scale

Altruism (versus Antagonism): Assesses the tendency to be sympathetic and kind-hearted toward others. High scorers avoid causing harm and react with generosity to those in need, while low scorers may be indifferent to others’ suffering.

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